Happy April everyone! Springtime is here and finals is riding up on my ass. So, in recent news, Bones has been recently updated and it's well on its way to completion while I'm having a bit more difficulty with Howl. I'm considering putting the story on an indefinite hiatus until I can gather my thoughts properly for the story to come together in the way I want it. Now, some of you keep asking me for more scenes involving Jade and Lucien, and I understand that I listed the story as a romance but it is merely a factor that aids in Jade's development as a character. The primary focus in the main character, not the main character and her hot love interest. I'm sorry if you became interested in Bones because you thought it would be fluff and smut and all that jazz, but that's not the case. There's more to a girl's life than finding a boyfriend, settling down and making babies; Jade is coming to terms with who she is, her heritage and what in the hell she's going to do with her life. Tough decisions will have to be made, events will begin to happen, things will only get more complicated from here.
Now, the next story in the series is called Crave and its two main protagonists are a Warlock named Astrid and a loup-garou (werewolf) named Prince. This story will be a little more focused on the romance, simply because I'm a mad scientist that wants to experiment and see exactly how well I can write out the dynamics between two people who are human at the core. Since this is part of the Reaper universe with Bones and Howl, we will see old characters as well as new characters, just to keep things interesting. This will not go up until Bones is finished and Howl is near completion....so not for awhile. I'm also thinking about making a new cover, not sure whether or not I should since I'm still looking for a photo that fits.
In regards to my works on Fanfiction, TAS and TCM will be taken down at the end of the month of April. I will not be posting them on a separate webpage or anything like that, they'll be just poof! gone forever, no rewrites or anything. Also, Practical Magick will be taken down as well as my collaborator has disappeared off the face of the planet and despite all the positive feedback, it won't continue, unless of course I feel otherwise and continue the story on my own terms. Push Me, Shove Me has been recently updated and hopefully I'll be able to finish it before the new school year begins.
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